Crax Bax


In the book of Revelation chapter 2 verse 3, Gods word says:

“And you have perseverance and have endured for My name’s sake, and have not grown weary.” NASB


All of the nerves in the body run from the spine to the various areas they serve. If something in the body gets “out of whack”, the last symptom to reveal itself is pain.

We ignore mild discomfort. A little tenderness. Occasional soreness. Some slight weakness we believe, will go away.

We procrastinate until  something unbearable happens. Something like excruciating pain.

At that point, we go see the chiropractor. The good doctor manipulates our spine, and instructs us to come back for a series of adjustments until we are completely back to normal. Cured.

Only we don’t come back. We keep our appointments just until the pain subsides.

Then we resume our usual daily schedule.

In six months, the excruciating pain is back.


Because we didn’t apply the effort necessary to totally solve the issue. We didn’t endure. We didn’t persevere. We skipped some steps. We didn’t see the situation on through to the end. The chiropractor could have taken care of everything. We didn’t let him.


Quite often we handle God’s loving direction the same way.

Something blows up in our life, and we find ourselves hurting. Emotionally. Spiritually. Maybe even physically or financially.

We turn to the Father just long enough to get out of the pain, and then resort back to the same old nonsense that caused it to begin with: No consistency with Him. No staying in His presence. Only calling on His precious name when we’re in trouble.

We give it a “lick and a promise”, and shrug off the stick-to-it-iveness that’s called for. No perseverance. No endurance. No lasting results.

Six months later the pain is back, having never been fully dealt with. Having never turned it ALL over to God. Having never let HIM clean it up completely.

Having not been obedient to follow His loving guidance, we now have to suffer the consequences.

Obedience is better than sacrifice.

Constant Oneness with the Father is SO much better than spiritual adultery.

Running off with everyone and everything else but Him.

Run your race with endurance. Do what you do with all your might. Stay focused on Him. Don’t say: “Get me through this one Lord, and I’ll get through the next one myself.” That simply doesn’t work!

Stick with HIM and He will guide you through all of your situations!



Copyright ©2014 Church in 90 Seconds/Joel Harrison All rights reserved.



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